Part 3 of Hunter College Acting Provost Rebukes Department of Film & Media Studies for Its Negative Campus Reputation & Image of Hostility to Black Instructors and Staff

Greggory W. Morris
6 min readJun 21, 2022
That’s me talking about being bullied and mobbed in and by my department, Film and Media Studies. I wasn’t out front about racism or Teaching While Black at the time because, after consulting with several attorneys, I learned that city, state and federal laws against racial discrimination were incrediblely weak. That I had a better shot at remedies and justice by joining the ranks of grassroot activists fighting for passage of a New York State Healthy Workplace Bill, which at the time of the picture above, seemed like it had weight. I had an active petiton back then when things seemed promising. And worked actively with the New York State Healthy Workplace Advocates … until I got fed up with the internal politics.

I wish Acting Provost Valadia Dent had just straight out assailed the department for its racism and bigotry and smacked it with a barrage of sanctions. As time has passed since the rebuke was announced at a faculty meeting by Chair Kelly Anderson, I realize that ulterior strategies yet to be fully discovered and realized were at play regarding that announcement.

Maybe Dr. Dent didn’t rebuke as I wrote, based on what Anderson had said at the faculty meeting. Maybe it was a scolding without teeth.

One reason for my suspicion is a recent smirking comment by the D:F/M Acting Chair Ricardo Miranda that Dr. Dent was no longer in office. Dent MIA?

Nevertheless, a former exceptional student of mine reach out to me several days ago. I thought publishing my response might provide insight to the scurrilous things that take place in the Department of Film and Media Studies. I’m withholding the identity of the former student.



Greggory W. Morris

Award Winning Assistant J-Professor, Hunter College/CUNY. Author, Writer. Blogs at Using to test-drive writing projects.