My Latest New York Times Comment Published September 19, 2019
“Justin Trudeau Says He Is ‘Deeply Sorry’ After Brownface Photo Surfaces”
What follows is copyedit of the original comment sans typos. The original post and the link follow the image.
I believe, based on my experiences as a news reporter and journalism professor witnessing and experiencing* the genres of racism, bigotry, sexism and injustice occurring in journalism and teaching communities where I have worked over the last 20 years, this could be a propitious moment for leaders** in all those communities to come clean about the despicable practices and traditions that have taken place and are taking place in their fiefdoms since the U.S. Supreme Court’s Brown vs. the Board of Education.
I’m willing to be reasonable with my challenge, however. I double-dare them to do it for the last 10 years.
*I include learning from the experiences of colleagues, friends, family members, strangers and others. **Such as editors, publishers, department chairs, deans, provosts, college presidents, chancellors and the like.
JustinThe link.