I've been working on a memoir about teaching at Hunter College for a few years. Working title: Teaching While Black in the Most Corrupt Department at Hunter College. The memoir is based on the kind of ethnographic and investigative type reporting research I've done for books and articles I've published, such material as as tapes, transcritps, photographs, videos and listserv and blog postings. On the Hunter campus I go no where without a tape recorder and camera. I am in touch with publishers, small. I am an award-winning journalist and tenured assistant professor.
I've been in numerous physical altercations and fights on this campus protecting me or protecting my office or my classroom from invasions form faculty and staff. Some of my colleagues doing the office and classroom invading aren't much better than sex perverts. I can corroborate every word in this respnde. I have filed numerous complaints, but the over all result has beeen pyrrhic victories. Out of desperation a while back, I started a moveon.org petition to support antibullying legislation in New York after several lawyers said it would be bery difficult to file a racial discrimination complaint because the state antidiscrimination laws are weak, and I was looking for ways to get the word out about what was happening to me and others. NYC Human Rights Commission is a pitbull on discrimination but can't investigate Hunter because it's primarily state funded.
Every single full-time black instructor and staffer has had to deal with serious harassment and attack in my department. By the time the fall semester starts, I will have filed a federal EEOC complaint in order to file a lawsuit.