FROM THE ARCHIVES: Another Hunter College Dean Bites the Dust, Allegations of a Witch Hunt

Before Dr. Valeda Dent Came & Went There was Dean Erec R. Koch Who Came and Went

Greggory W. Morris
6 min readSep 17, 2022

Hunter College Time Machine for Sunday, July 7, 2013 …

His name at the time of his departure was Dean Erec R. Koch, a Ruth and Harold Newman Dean, and the Hunter community learned of his departure in a Tuesday, July 2 email: “ I write with great regret to inform you that I will no longer serve as Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences. It has been a tremendous honor and privilege to work with the talented and dedicated A&S faculty and staff during the past two years.*

Former Dean Erec R. Koch at the resignation of Assistant Dean Maria Anderson

It was sent in the wake of brutally frank comments about President Raab in an earlier resignation letter by a former assistant dean to Dean Koch. In that earlier resignation letter, the resigning Assistant Dean, Maria Anderson, castigated Raab for “personal attacks” and creating “a culture of fear and mistrust,” and she also wrote that Dean Koch had been targeted by President Raab. “It is quite clear that a witch-hunt against you is underway and that it includes an attempt to fabricate instances of financial mismanagement on your part. You are certainly the prime target, though as the chief financial officer



Greggory W. Morris

Award Winning Assistant J-Professor, Hunter College/CUNY. Author, Writer. Blogs at Using to test-drive writing projects.