Fear. Loathing. Schizophrenia. Sturm und Drang in a Hunter College Department. Part 1: Photo-J Pics

Fatwas, Pepper Spray, Gun Paranoia, Xenophobia*** — It Is What It Is

Greggory W. Morris
3 min readJan 21, 2023
Back when I was a lobbying volunteer for the NYS Healthy Workplace Advocates and whistleblowing about workplace and academic bullying. Now, I blow a horn with universal messages based on research and conviction.
‘Grab shot” of a Dept of Film and Media faculty meeting several days before the Hunter President— at a public awards ceremony — described it as “schizophrenic.” Why didn’t the chair, Jay Roman, being celebrated in this picture above and who was to be honored at the subseqent presidential ceremony, not rise to D:F/M’s defense? Because: It is what it is? Recall former Hunter College Acting Provost Valeda Dent’s comments about the department’s ugly image and reputation on campus for hostility against Black staff and instructors? [Can hints addressing these daunting questions be found here? You betcha!]
Screenshot above taken many moons ago before HC Prez announces that she has walking papers in the works and must vacate her office in June, 2023. Anyone on top of the latest scuttlebutt?
Hunter organization chart of Higher Admins who might be walking in June, 2023, if they aren’t already walking.


F/M Department Chair Kelly Anderson, top left, her pic first in a row of an assortment of Colleagues, followed by Colleague Larry Shore in the second row and whose visage is bleeding into the third; last two pics, Andrew Lund. Which colleagues in the department have filed the most Violence in the Workplace Complaints? D:F/M has filed more complaints than any on this campus if not at CUNY. Violence in the Workplace Complaints and Procedures for Student Complaints Against Instructors have been weaponized.
Hunter can be a research cornucopia about institutional and structural racism as practiced and the flaws of city, state and federal antidiscrimination laws. Hunter also a good device about the flaws in city, state and federal human rights commission. Hunter leads the way!

***Other Tips of the Iceberg Laden with Fatwas, Pepper Spray, Guns, Racism, Schizophrenia, Xenophobia: Fear, Loathing And Hints of Insanity****



Greggory W. Morris

Award Winning Assistant J-Professor, Hunter College/CUNY. Author, Writer. Blogs at blog.hunterword.com. Using Medium.com to test-drive writing projects.