Don’t Miss Richard Prince’s Journal-isms Roundtable Oct. 1: “When the Authorities Abuse Journalists”

Greggory W. Morris
3 min readOct 1, 2023

This Journal-isms Roundtable is Sunday, Oct. 1, at 1 p.m. EDT, simulcast on Facebook. The page is

Richard Prince

It will be a hybrid Zoom and in-person session at the Washington, D.C., home of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press:

With special guest: Roy Wood Jr., ”American humorist, stand-up comedian, radio personality, actor, producer, podcaster, and writer best known for his correspondent appearances on The Daily Show.” He entertained at last spring’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner: >

Earl Caldwell, veteran journalist whose dilemma over a government demand to reveal his sources in the Black Panther organization – — prompted The Reporters Committee’s founding in 1970 — — and, he says, was a major step in creating an identity for Black journalists.

— Veteran First Amendment lawyer Lee Levine, who is writing a book about Caldwell and his press-freedom case…



Greggory W. Morris
Greggory W. Morris

Written by Greggory W. Morris

Award Winning Assistant J-Professor, Hunter College/CUNY. Author, Writer. Blogs at Using to test-drive writing projects.

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